• We offer a trained dog discount for customers who would like to have a trained dog, but like to raise a puppy. A lot of people just like to 

raise a pup!  You pick your pup, raise your pup and then bring your pup back for training. A lot of people like to skip the puppy raising altogether but for the folks that like to raise a puppy you can raise your pup, bring your pup back for training and still end up with a trained dog ready to hunt! 

  •   We also offer "house training" for those folks that want to skip the house training. Go to the door to go out, stay off the furniture, don't 

beg at the table, crate trained, etc. If you order a trained dog and want your dog well started on house manners we do offer house training as an option.


  • Do we use "Shock Collars" and if you train my dog will it have to have a "shock collar"?

Yes, we use shock collars. Shock collars are for discipline and correction. Shock collar conditioning is part of training a bird dog. They do not 

electrocute a dog and they do not "stimulate" a dog. What they do.... is help in developing a  well trained, enjoyable dog to hunt with. Stimulate

sounds a whole lot more acceptable than shock. It's like some people "harvest" game and some people "shoot" or kill" game... a harvested bird

was either shot or killed. A stimulated dog was shocked. We do train with a shock collar and your dog will be conditioned to respond to a shock 

collar.... but no your dog will not have to have a  shock collar. But then all dogs seem to hear much better when they have a shock collar on,   

whether you ever use it or not, and it is much more enjoyable to hunt with a dog that can be controlled than one that is.... "like a lawn mower on the loose". Most all experienced bird dogs get excited when they see you with a shotgun ...and most all experienced bird dogs get just as excited when they see you with a shock collar too. Can a shock collar ruin a dog? Of course one can.... but then feeding a dog to much would ruin him too. Overweight dogs won't hunt and neither will a fearful dog afraid to move. We are not going to send a dog home 20 pounds over-weight and we are also not going to electrocute him silly either.

  • If you train my dog will it do what bird dogs should?

Bird dogs should come when called, turn when a whistle is blown, stop when "whoa'ed", point staunchly, and retrieve a bird without chewing it to pieces. A "Gun dog" knows that a gun kills birds. We will shoot approximately 75 birds for your dog, Bobwhite Quail. By then he will know what a gun does. Most dogs get excited when they see a shotgun. "Dead Bird" is something they are going to hear over and over. I am a firm believer in "whoa". A dog that will "whoa" solves most all problems associated with hunting with a bird dog. Here and whoa. 

  • Will my dog be steady to wing and shot?

No.... I personally have never seen a bird dog used for hunting that was. Unless I am sorely naïve about it, neither have you. Steady to wing and shot is for trials and tests. It has it's place. The magazine article steady to wing and shot scenario is this: Dog/dogs on point, Flush the birds, shoot one or two (hopefully),and the dog /dogs remain standing on point. After having congratulated each other on your shooting and smoked your pipe you proceed to the dog that had the point, tap his head and he then makes an unerring retrieve. All the while the other dog/dogs will continue to honor/back. Of course, unless you smoke a pipe, shoot a double barrel 28 gauge and wear only "Pro Trainer" series clothes it doesn't work. Me, I shoot a 12 gauge so I have never got to see this feat. I'm pretty sure if a Pheasant falls near a badger hole I would want him there as soon as possible anyway. In all earnesty the average guy who hunts with a dog needs a dog that is happy to mind, steady on point, retrieves satisfactorily and be able to hunt with his dog enjoyably. Our aim in training is to teach the dog to love the birds, the gun and the boss. A well trained gun dog has class and manners. We get the dog ready to take hunting. We do not train for NAVHDA tests or AKC hunt tests. However, a dog taken straight from here to NSTRA will compete just fine.

  • Do you have inside or outside kennels?

Our kennels are outside concrete runs. We feed a high quality dog food of course and keep things clean. How can you not?

  • What breed do we specialize in?

German Shorthair...  Of course!


training all pointing breed bird dogs at Muddy Creek Kennels since 1986. Specializing in training German Shorthair Pointers.

 Craig,Elizabeth and Daniel Burns
   620 SW 90TH. Road

e-mail muddycreekgsp@aol.com

​​​​​muddy creek kennels